Guest Blog: How Do You Live When You Want to Die? by Tim Miller

Sorry for the click bait headline, but I needed to get your attention. I've debated for a long time whether to go public with this. It's not something that is easy to talk about. However, I feel so many people struggle with it, and are ashamed, that it's time public figures like myself come forward to take away the stigma of mental illness. It's no secret that I've made that well known over the years. However, last year I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Things came to a head for me last fall at San Angelo Comic Con. It was a fun show and I was happy to see all my friends. However, I'd been under a lot of stress that year. Id had a string of shows that hadn't done well, book sales had been slow and I had just been struggling with all around fears of failure. I learned later, these kinds of negative thoughts are normal. About halfway into the show on Saturday, I suffered what I thought was a debilitating panic attack. I learned later this was...